Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Love Letter

According to my horoscope,
This would be a perfect week to practice writing love letters. It's not yet a favorable time to actually send the love letters you compose, however. You need some work before you'll be ready to produce the finished products. You've got to drain off the chatter that's at the top of your head before you'll be able to penetrate to the more interesting truths that lie at the bottom of your heart. But if you do your homework -- churn out, say, at least three eruptions of rabid amour -- you'll prepare yourself well to craft a thoughtful meditation that will really have a chance to make an impact.
So here goes a practice run:

Dear Words,

I love you truly, madly, deeply, eternally, ecstatically, desperately. When you are not around me, I fall silent. When I look around, I see you everywhere, and if I don't, I feel confused and alone. As individuals you are powerful, but when I see (or better yet, think of) ways to put you together, you become divine, transcendent, glorious. You satisfy all my senses and always have.

Yours truly,

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