Saturday, November 14, 2009

So much for New Year's Resolutions

SPH sent me a text recently reminding me that I reeeeeeally need to update my blog. I've been a very bad blogger for the, I guess. Sorry to my legions of fans (all three of you).

So here's a restart. No promises. Let's see what happens.

There's been a lot of Facebook posting lately about things you are thankful for. I'm definitely thankful for all of the important things (friends, family, health, job, home, food, safety, etc.) but I thought I'd examine the not-so-major things that just make me happy. Here are some of them:

1) The Internet. I love random facts and I love that the Internet gives them to me.

2) Zachary's Pizza. Yum.

3) Having small feet.

4) PBS and NPR. If you're nerdy and you know it clap your hands.

5) Libraries.

6) Trader Joe's.

7) Tokyo, Bombay, and Amsterdam.

8) Miniature anything.

9) Tampons.

10) DVR.

1 comment:

  1. i was just thinking when is v going to blog...
    you two read my mind!
