Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hiatus and Apologies

Many apologies for the long hiatus. Life gets confusing and complicated at times when you expect it to be simple and fun.

The Muffin Room will be back with a real post very soon. I promise.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Super Skinny Me

While getting a new year's pedicure this afternoon (and avoiding cleaning my room), I read a magazine article about this BBC program called "Super Skinny Me" in which two British journalists decided to try crash diets (like "the soup diet" or "the protein only diet") with the aim of getting down to a size zero.

I fired up the telly this evening (after cleaning up a little bit in my room AND cooking up a pot of Rachael Ray's "Black Bean Stoup") and found the program On Demand through BBC America. It was fascinating. Even more interesting, in a way, were the online responses and blog comments I found that referenced the show. One of my favorites, if only for its insanity, was from a man named "Wil" who wrote, "I'd rather have sex with a woman I cut myself on than one who smothered me...or made me vomit with disgust." Someone calling themselves "urajudgementalpr*ck" responded to Wil with, "Somehow Wil I doubt that either is lining up at your door" (see the original blog post here).

It's really interesting how enraged this subject makes people, and how the two women in the show both saw themselves going insane in terms of trying to control their own bodies and minds via food intake.

Check out Kate Spicer's (one of the two women who went through the experiment) article about her experiences here.

The program is part of a series called "BBC Reveals." Now I'm hooked. I have to watch all of them.

New Year's Resolutions

Actually, these are just for this month, but I think that's how these things go, anyway.

1) Clean my house.

2) Consolidate my belongings.

3) Find an apartment.

Happy new year!