Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Let's start by taking a look back at last year's resolutions and seeing how they panned out:

1) Clean my house.
This one actually happened. I was just talking to a friend about how I started from one end of the house and moved slowly but surely along and cleaned/organized my stuff.

2) Consolidate my belongings.
Another success. This was kind of in tandem with #1.

3) Find an apartment.
Wow, triple play. Resolutions #1 and #2 were in preparation for the third one, and I scored a great place. It wasn't where I thought it would be (or wanted it to be), but I love it.

So in the spirit of making resolutions that are actually attainable, let's see what I can come up with this time around. There are things I would love to do, like lose 15 pounds, go on a fabulous honeymoon (meaning I would also have to get engaged and then married, but whatever), and meet Barack Obama, but I don't really like these kinds of resolutions. It's better if they just fall into your lap, rather than having to do anything to make progress toward them -- that way you don't feel so loser-ish if they don't come to fruition. So I'd prefer to pick things that require some effort but are not too tough. Here we go:

1) Cook at home more, and try new recipes that are kind of healthy, or at least involve more vegetables (and less grated cheese).

2) Revive my musical side with lessons of some sort.

3) Blog more frequently.

Happy new year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

If they can't tell it's food...

...then maybe you shouldn't be making them eat it.

This is one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a while, especially after reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan.

Who comes up with this stuff??