Saturday, April 26, 2008


I love the 1950s. I know, I know -- it was an era of conformity, repression, segregation, McCarthyism, blah, blah, blah...all I think of is Back to the Future and how I longed to hop into a time machine and arrive at the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance (I realize I would have stuck out like a sore thumb -- a brown one).

I feel a twinge of guilt over my un-P.C. love for the '50s, as I do over my fascination with England and its relationship with India (mmm...colonialism). But, as with any fetish, I try not to let it define me.

Anyway, I can feed my 1950s need by looking at old ads on the Ad*Access site. Hours of entertainment, truly.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Travel Bug

As the summer approaches, I'm gearing up for my latest international adventure (hopefully complete with travel blog). Beyond that, I feel like, from the end of May onwards, its go-go-go.

A roundup of upcoming travel:

1) D.C.
2) Denver
3) Seattle
4) Florida
5) India (that's the big one)
6) Buffalo

Leave it to me to do all my traveling precisely when it's the most expensive time to fly. Better check that account balance before I buy the remaining tickets!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PC Load Letter?!?

I got a new printer at work today. I am so so so overjoyed, I can't explain it. The only way I can express how I feel about the evil apparatus I put up with for the past three years is by sharing this:

The old printer is still sitting in the room, eying its replacement with hostility. I could easily go all "Office Space" on it if it doesn't get picked up soon.

I was so excited by the new one that I just wanted to print stuff all day.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Well, it's finally happened. The glorious day has arrived. NKOTB are reuniting. HALLELUJAH!!

I don't think I need to remind anyone of my love for the New Kids. I was one of those embarrassing obsessive fans who wore Joey-Joe buttons every day (and multiple ones on Fridays!). I've had to take the fandom underground, but it's always been bubbling beneath the surface.

If anyone knows anyone who can score me tickets to their reunion concert, contact me immediately! I'm only half joking.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jump to Conclusions Mat

I tend to over-react. Ask JSS, he can tell you.

For example: I can't log in to my email, and I freak out, deciding that I'm being bugged by the CIA.

Or: I call a friend and he/she doesn't call me back within 15 minutes. I decide they hate me for some crime I don't realize I've committed, and I rack my brains for an hour, trying to figure out what I've done and how I can make amends.

Or: I email my brother and don't hear back from him for a few days. I decide he must have choked on some Pasta-roni and is in the hospital, or worse.

I wish I could just chalk this up to some quirk in my personality and laugh it off. The problem comes when my paranoia actually predicts something accurately. This makes all my freak-outs seem not insane, or mildly amusing, but omens to be believed. I never know when one of them will actually come true, but I think that I somehow believe that the worrying will make these events LESS likely to come to fruition.

For example: if I worry that I've accidentally tossed a check in the trash, and that I forgot to lock my car door, and that I've lost my favorite necklace, it's impossible that all of those things will come true. Therefore, I can surmise, my fretting has actually PREVENTED these events from happening. And, if one of them DOES occur, then clearly I didn't worry enough.


It's amazing I'm able to wake up each day without the sky falling on me.