Saturday, April 4, 2009

Things that Irritate Me

Since top ten (or 25) lists are the thing these days, I thought I'd spend a few moments meditating on the things I can't stand. Here they are, in no particular order:

1) When little kids wear their shoes on the wrong feet.

2) People who mix up there/their/they're, your/you're, where/were/we're, etc.

3) Clowns.

4) People who preface statements with things like, "I'm not homophobic, but..." or "I'm not racist, but..."

5) Guys who use the word "tits."

6) When strands of hair fall onto my arms, legs, or anywhere else.

7) Being yelled at or reprimanded.

8) When my students don't listen to me.

9) Thinking about where milk or eggs come from.

10) Trying on pants.