Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thirty, Flirty, and Fabulous?

Thirty is looming on the horizon. I can see it not far up the road, sharpening its fangs. They say 30 is the new 20, but I'm not sure about that one. True, a lot of my friends are doing the things in their thirties that women of previous generations were doing in their twenties (figuring out their careers, buying homes, getting married, having kids, blah blah blah), but it's not exactly the same.

First of all, telling ourselves that "thirty is the new twenty" as we see actual twentysomethings roaming around us with their exuberant grins makes it even more depressing. Also, some of us aren't going to be doing the things that our friends are doing in their thirties until we're in our forties...or maybe not even then.

And so what? It's hard not too keep a tally of all our perceived imperfections, especially if we compare ourselves to people we know, but it rarely does us any favors. If anything, it just shows us how different we all are, even though we come from the same generation, hometown, college, or community.

Maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic as the beast waves menacingly at me, but who knows? Maybe it's hiding a red balloon behind its back for me, and all it needs is a nice massage and a cocktail to make it less monstrous.


  1. Thirty, Flirty, and Fabulous...Exclamation Point!

  2. The human life span has improved pretty significantly over the last couple of generations, so it's natural that our point of transition to "adulthood" shifts as well. With these extra years tacked on, it makes sense to use them to extend the more carefree and youthful period of life rather than the period of responsibility. It really is fabulous if you ask me! :)
