Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cleaning out the closet

I finally cleaned out the hall closet and, lo and behold, the majority of the stuff in there was...mine. Oops. Guess I was too quick to blame the ghosts of roommates past.

The rest of the weekend was spent catching up with friends and sitting around the house. I also attempted to phone the parents of all my students. I like to call on Sunday afternoons when it's less likely that anyone will be home. That way I can just leave messages.

Most importantly, I managed to go to Tango Gelato two nights in a row. Did you know gelato has half the fat of ice cream?

Did anyone else see Britney on the VMAs and think she looked like she'd been shot with a tranquilizer dart?

Here are some pictures I've taken recently:


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend! I always thought gelato was worse than ice cream bcs it's so much tastier (assume tasty most often equals bad). This little piece of info has brought me so much joy! Now I only wish there was a good gelato place close-by.

  2. Mmm, gelato. We don't have a Tango Gelato out here, but thank goodness for the North End.

    I agree that something was very wrong with Britney at the VMAs - tranq dart sounds like a good theory.
