Monday, September 10, 2007

Rubbish and the City

As we all know, I love "Sex and the City." A lot. I watch the entire series, episode by episode, over and over and over again. I can honestly say I've probably seen certain episodes over 50 times.

Lately there's been talk of a "Sex and the City" movie. Here's a news tidbit about Jennifer Hudson possibly playing a role. People seemed shocked that I am absolutely, unequivocally against this plan. Not the Jennifer Hudson part (though as my friend Anne aptly puts it, "Since when has Carrie known any Black people?") -- the whole thing.

Why are you surprised, my friends? Isn't a major component of the show the concept of style and individuality? What is unique about a studio trying to squeeze out every last cent from any decent entertainment franchise (Scooby-Doo, Spiderman, Harry Potter...)? The madness must stop!

Give me my DVDs and leave my memories of the show intact (except for the last two-and-a-half seasons -- those you can have). And don't even THINK about making a Family Ties movie.

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